As a seller your main goal is to source great products at the best price possible, Purchasing your items at the lowest price possible will allow you to sell them at a competitive price and still make a good profit, BUY LOW SELL HIGH is the basis of almost every retail business. Today almost everyone owns a mobile phone, so mobile phone protective covers are a huge seller. This market is set to increase as the features of the latest handsets increase so does the price of the latest must have handsets increase. This in turn means that people are more willing to spend a few £ $ on protecting there investment, Phone owners also like to customise there phone according to there personality or current mood/mindset.
The range of covers and case for
iPhone mirror case is huge with 100s if not 1000s of mobile phone models out there, For each phone especially the iPhone there could be 100s of not 1000s of different designs and colours, This can create a dilemma for a shop owner when knowing which cases /covers to stock in there shop, what they may like can not always be what the general public likes, for this reason it is good to have a good working relationship with your wholesaler, As they will be dealing with a number of mobile accessories businesses, they will be able to tell you what cases covers are selling and which ones are not doing well, you could also consider researching some of the larger marketplace sites to see what is also selling.
As a seller your main goal is to source great products at the best price possible, Purchasing your items at the lowest price possible will allow you to sell them at a competitive price and still make a good profit, BUY LOW SELL HIGH is the basis of almost every retail business. Today almost everyone owns a mobile phone, mobile phone protective covers are a huge seller, This market is set to increase as the features of the latest handsets increase so does the price of the latest must have handsets increase. This in turn means that people are more willing to spend a few £ or $ on protecting their investment, Phone owners also like to customise there phone according to there personality or current mood/mindset.
The range of covers and case for mobile phones is huge with 100s if not 1000s of mobile phone models out there, For each phone especially the iPhone there could be 100s of not 1000s of different designs and colours, This can create a dilemma for a shop owner when knowing which cases /covers to stock in there shop, what they may like can not always be what the general public likes, for this reason it is good to have a good working relationship with your wholesaler, As they will be dealing with a number of mobile accessories businesses, they will be able to tell you what cases covers are selling and which ones are not doing well, you could also consider researching some of the larger marketplace sites to see what is also selling.
If you are feeling upto doing some more advanced market research consider finding out which phone network is the most popular in your town, this will allow you to find out what brands and models of phones people are using in your area, Today's market has changed dramatically since the arrival of the iPhone to the market, No mobile model has been so well received as the iPhone has, this means there is a huge market servicing all those iPhone owners.
Some other points to consider when looking to stock a fixed retail shop are what is the demographic make up of your area, if you live in a working class area then you should purchase items geared more towards this market, Also consider the local sports teams ie if you lived within say 3 miles of Manchester United stocking Liverpool
iPhone 5 car case may not be your best selling item, As more and more people start to use smart phones then the market for smart phone cases is also increasing as we have already stated these phone cost a small fortune, so owner will be more likely to pay more for a protective case, Smart phones are the future and some industry experts predicting that as high as 88% of all mobile phones will be smart phone enabled in the next 5 years.

Also be aware of new films that are coming out any film that has been hyped or well received by the public will inevitably be used on mobile covers, the most recent example of this was the Twilight films almost instantly
iPhone 5 Practical case arrived on the market, these will mainly be purchased by teenagers, Males teenagers will be more likely to be purchasing sports related mobile phone covers, where as girls will be more likely to go for girly coloured cases with flowers, hearts etc type patterns, Also the area that the kids are coming from will again have a great influence on the type of phones they own, as any parent knows it is the parent who is paying for the mobile so working class kids are less likely to have iPhone and other expensive smartphone models.
OK so you have completed your research and now have a better idea about what type of cases to purchase based on your research results now it time to find a mobile phone wholesalers, there are many mobile phone wholesalers to choose from, One of the most important factors to remember is growth you should always look to get a wholesaler that has direct links to China, since most of the accessories are manufactured in China purchasing from a wholesaler who is linked strongly with China will not only greatly increase your prospects of getting the best price, but will also give you access to the largest range of mobile phone accessories.
You will have to consider also when determining which wholesaler you will use as your main supplier whether they are web based or shop based, both have advantages and disadvantages for you to weight up. Some of the main points to consider are time and cost of shipping the customer service they offer with regards to returns and refunds etc, A web based shop located 200 miles away could be cheaper but if you are not happy with the quality you would be needing customer service phone numbers to call to ensure a fast resolution to your problem. dealing with complaints via email will take a lot longer.
Do not rush to choose a wholesaler as the success of your business will depend greatly on your supplier. Send several wholesalers a general enquiry, if they are slow to respond at this stage then chances are you have even slower reply when you have a problem.